Meet Our Members.
Join the inaugural group of UC Santa Cruz alumni, faculty and friends who have joined the Forum.

Michael has written two books. His first book “Managing Humans, 3rd Edition” is a popular guide to the art of engineering leadership and clearly explains that while you be will be rewarded for what you build, you will only be successful because of your people. His second book “Being Geek” is a career handbook for geeks and nerds alike.
Michael bikes, tinkers with drones, and drinks red wine in the redwoods of Northern California whenever he can because staying sane is more important than staying busy.

John’s passion projects are centered on mentoring minority and women entrepreneurs, the DoughMain Financial Literacy Foundation, and working at Stop the Traffik USA where he is a director.
John is also Managing Partner at FFAH Inc., Co-Founder of On the Right Track Systems, Inc, Co-Founder of Hudson & Broad, and is on the Board of a number of companies and brands.